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  1. Recently I decided to pray once a day in the morning while I was drinking my coffee. I tend to succeed doing this one week and then slip the next week and come back etc. I guess I spend about 10 mins, sometimes reading the Bible (forcing myself to read the NT at the moment even though I prefer the OT) and normally praying. I generally ask God to make me better, say sorry, ask for help for my friends, and make a faltering attempt at `worship’ by telling God how great he is, but never feel I’ve succeeded.

    I forgot this morning.

  2. To answer the question directly:
    I pray lots of times in the day

    but if I was asked how often do I lock myself away and do some deep holy praying I would say very rarely.

    I have never been one to over do the reverent side of prayer, by that I mean I don’t slip in the word Jesus every fifth word. I tend to talk like I am now, basically waffling. I tell God what’s going on with my day, ask about stuff etc. nothing really Holy but then I think if God wants a relationship he’ll have to put up with me as I am. So for me at the mo I just continually talk to him all day.

    Generally I like praying/talking to God on the loo, whilst driving, in bed, when I have a cigerette, instead of doing the things I should be doing etc.

    The length of prayer usually lasts as long as my attention span, I’m constantly amazed at how my mind wonders but then when was the last time you had a conversation where you didn’t go off the topic?

  3. Not many responses to this but I thought I’d take the plunge (come on everyone else!)

    My aim would be to spend proper time once a day praying (and reading the Bible). Now that I work at home (in a fairly relaxed way) on a normal day I usually manage to do this. At weekends, or on busy days, or when I’m away from home, it tends to go out of the window. I’m happy to have more or less got into this routine – when I had a job which started at 9 in the morning I never really managed to find a convenient time.

    Since we seem to be sharing other aspects than just frequency – I sometimes worry that I am too mechanistic in my prayers for other people and situations – I have various lists of things to pray for, and work my way through them (eg friends, info from organisations, situations I’m concerned about). But I figure that at least that way I don’t forget people/things that I really did want to pray about. My other concern about this way of doing things is that then “shopping lists” take over from really talking to God – I try to make sure I spend time thanking him for things, praising him for the great things about him, saying sorry, and just talking to him about what is going on in my life, etc. – but some days I’m better at this than others.

    My ideal would be to spend a specific good concentrated time in full awareness of God, praying to him, every single day – but definitely not forgetting about him the rest of the time either. I think quick comments are also vital – whether it’s “thank you” or “help” or just enjoying something beautiful in thankfulness to God that he made it. I think both aspects are important – the sitting down and concentrating, and involving God in the fabric of our day-to-day lives.

    (are my posts too long? – sorry I’m so wordy!)

  4. All of what you say is awesome. I couldn’t agree more with what you say. I hope you realise how inspirational what you say really is, it makes my heart leap, but then I am easily excited.

    Definitely not too long.

    One question though, you mentioned a time when you were not working from home and found it very hard to do the prayer thing. If you knew you had to go back to a similar job again, how would you re-structure it so that you could pray like you do now or would you go back to doing prodominantly what I do, never really getting stuck into some good prayer because there is never that convenient moment ?

  5. To answer the question directly:
    I pray lots of times in the day

    but if I was asked how often do I lock myself away and do some deep holy praying I would say very rarely.

    I have never been one to over do the reverent side of prayer, by that I mean I don’t slip in the word Jesus every fifth word. I tend to talk like I am now, basically waffling. I tell God what’s going on with my day, ask about stuff etc. nothing really Holy but then I think if God wants a relationship he’ll have to put up with me as I am. So for me at the mo I just continually talk to him all day.

    Generally I like praying/talking to God on the loo, whilst driving, in bed, when I have a cigerette, instead of doing the things I should be doing etc.

    The length of prayer usually lasts as long as my attention span, I’m constantly amazed at how my mind wonders but then when was the last time you had a conversation where you didn’t go off the topic?

  6. I’d be in agreement with ~ and anyone who really knows me knows that my conversation tends to be really quite random and shoot off on tangents all over the place.
    I think I probably should make more of an effort to do the “quality time” thing though. Cos the best friends I’ve got aren’t the ones who just get random comments every now and again – they’re the ones I really talk to and REALLY listen to. I’m a bit rubbish at listening to God’s side of things cos it’s not so easy to hear it as it is someone else talking who is sitting right there in front of me who I can see.
    Shutting up now…

  7. Well i must be honest is saying that i am good enough at praying when people are in a crisis I can see prayer working in others lives. i have trouble praying to God about my own needs. I still feel close to God but I struggle praying. I might well pray for myself once a week if that. I believe in prayer, and know that it works, there is enough evidence in my life. I pray when i am on christian holidays, because I feel like its ok there.
    I come from a non christian family, so other than Sundays I have no one to pray with. I prefer to pray with people. I do feel silly some times sitting in my room praying out loud on my own in my room. I never feel that silent prayer gets to where it should. Well with time, i am sure i will come to terms with accepting that i ahve a right to pray.

  8. A wise person told me that once – about God liking it when we try even if we don’t manage what we meant to do. Is very encouraging that He sees our intentions and not just the things we physically manage to do.

  9. I see the main area of prayer which is the hardest is actually listening to what God sais. I have no good answers to this but ask anyone who has any idea of how to listen more effectively to God to respond to this and let me know.

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